Also screaming about supporting nazis while being in literal fucking Normandy, irony is dead💀

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    4 months ago

    This was a perfect deal for the US elites and their thoroughly corrupt system, which is detached from the reality on the ground, a collective delusion maintained through sheer terroristic might and constant propagandizing.

    For the US as a country? For its people, for the foundations of its true economy and domination of the mechanisms of trade and finance, for its reputation (at home and abroad), for the sustaining of its racist, imperialist, settler-colonial ethos? And for the foundations of its global network of compradors, in the long-term? I would call what has happened so far a likely fatal blow- the results of which, we will be seeing bleed out possibly for decades (and good riddance!)

    If you ask me, the actions of the neocons and the Biden administration in particular (though all other administrations in recent history have been working towards this point- save for perhaps Trump, though he’s terrible in his own right for countless other reasons) these past 4 years have been the equivalent of finally (after decades of ever-increasing neoliberal starvation and neglect) gutting their golden goose of empire. What remains is a carcass running on fumes and the hopes that maybe, just maybe, they can terrorize the rest of the world enough to stuff their goose full of plunder yet again- meanwhile all the crooks are stuffing their pockets, and escalating to achieve the prior goals mentioned, while the getting is good.

    The same manic panic that characterized the last days of Hitler in his fuhrerbunker- that Ukraine and the Zionist-occupation regime are heading towards- the same cartoonish crookedness and derangement Zelensky and Netanyahu are displaying- if you ask me, the western elites are in an incredibly similar pickle, if not quite so far down that road yet, with the sole important distinction being that due to their imperial hubris, I doubt any of the neocons and western elites in general have the slightest fear of ever facing personal consequences for their crimes, or not being able to escape the fallout to their bunkers, private islands, and guarded compounds.