Dozens of crucial climate science projects including studies of record low sea ice and rapidly declining penguin populations are set to be cancelled, delayed or restricted due to budget pressures at the Australian Antarctic Division.

These projects include the million-year ice core, an ambitious quest to study atmospheric data trapped in ice.

“Australia’s climate science is globally important and the Australian Antarctic Program will continue to deliver our priority science initiatives, such as the million year ice core and the denman terrestrial campaign.”

The spokesperson said the draft season plan “Provides support to continue delivering these two priority science projects that will be ongoing for years to come and help inform global decisions on climate change”.

“The AAD’s annual season plans are based on priorities articulated through the Australian Antarctic Science Strategic Plan and the Australian Antarctic Strategy and 20-year Action Plan, released in 2016,” the spokesperson said.

    1 year ago

    Free the climate, brother!

    shudders It’s just a bad feeling when sarcasm/irony seem so close as to be easily possible…