How should this even work? Prolapses are a thing of course, rectum prolapse can happen too. The muscles are getting week in this are and then it can happen, but this is not the only cause.
But prolapsing entire organs? Plural form, not singular.
And then rats eat the organs and then the North Koreans eat the rats.
While the koreans are pushing the train!
And the trains are filled with lampshades made from organs by the rats who ate the dog
Like Imhotep in The Mummy
rats? there’s only one rat.
Westerners are so racist that they even let go of basic logic. They heard this and had the thought, this might be true? There is no way you would believe this unless you WANTED it to be true.
Indeed. I’ve seen way too many (supposedly highly educated) westerners irl gulping the most absurd things you could hear about China/Russia. You can literally tell them the plot of 1984 but say it’s China, or give them some Yeonmi Park level of crap, and they’ll believe it
I refuse to believe people can be THAT stupid. They have to be bots.
Or just so racist, they suspend disbelief. Never underestimate that compulsion.
Ah yes, advanced racism.
Clown watched yeonmi park and believed her, lul.
I stopped following Yeonmi a long time ago. She is a cancer to everyday tasks. She should have been brought back to Pyongyang.
North Koreans are so hungry they have to eat pipe organs and the indigestible pieces fall out
If you starve hard enough, you can prolapse your entire body through the anus and come out on the other side in one piece
People who seem like reasonably smart individuals believe the most absurd shit about North Korea.
Did you know no one in north korea has elbows? Kim thinks they’re ugly so everyone cut them off.
No need of proof. Everything you assume, is true. As long as it is about North Korea.
From my experience, you can extend that to China too
To whoever is the designated enemy of the west, honestly.
Well it must be possible, because these two redditors have clearly shat their brains out.
Their organs fall out of their starved bodies because they’re pushing the trains so hard their anuses prolapse
This is what happens when you lift with your butt.
“North Koreans have no muscles!! Also they all have to push the trains by hand and work in the mines for a living!!”
Due to the DPRK’s success in the olympics, I have seen people going “Wow, look at how much shorter the North Korean team is than the South Koreans, they must not be really underfed. I hope they get an extra ration for winning medals”.
Yes, athletes competing at the highest level in the world are malnourished. That makes far more sense than people have different heights in a sample size of…five.
Wouldn’t your small and large intestines need to be gone for the organs to fall out of the anus? I’m not an expert but from what I know the anus is attached to the intestines which are attached to the stomach and esophagus, so how would the other organs fall out with those in the way? Last time I checked there are no organs residing INSIDE the intestines… I am aware that I am putting too much thought into this stupid propaganda but its just so ridiculous how these people fall for it when they proclaim themselves as intellectuals.
Wow, instant offal sausage 🍽️
The only thing that’s disturbing here is how people actually seem to believe obvious bullshit like this. I wouldn’t be surprised if these people also think that there is nuance to flat earth.
“Wow.” -Joe Rogan
And yet a good deal of traitors (or “defectors”) to South Korea choose to move back because they say life is MISERABLE there.
By most accounts, unless you want to go Full Yeonmi, life in the south is really hard for defectors.
I mean, it already sucks royally for the people born there. Of every country I have ever lived in, South Korea is probably the one I would least want to move to full time.
Mostly because South Korea is also an extraordinarily terrible place to be in. There’s a good reason they have the lowest fertility rate in the world… they’d be a hundred times better off moving to China or Canada or something.
I don’t think that’s physically possible unless you drank acid first to dissolve them. Actually, that would make great Yeonmi Park material!