• OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
    3 hours ago

    Lol I’m not going to continue this conversation as if you didn’t spend the last 15 comments evading a simple question and lying by saying you already answered it.

    Trying to talk with you is literally like Monty Python’s argument clinic sketch.

    “Is this the right room for an argument?”

    “I already told you five times.”

    “No you haven’t! Where?”

    “Yes I did. I did it before.”

    “No, you didn’t. When, where?”

    “Yes I did. I said it before.”

    Absolute clown.

    • Madison420@lemmy.world
      3 hours ago

      It’s a simple question. They’ve invaded twice in twenty years both resulting in treaties they’ve broken. What exactly is the reason they will not invade again this time outside of your goddamn feelings.

      • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
        2 hours ago

        Stop trying to change the subject to evade the question. How did you get from a definition that says “Isolationism is when you oppose intervention in foreign countries” to, “Opposing intervention in Ukraine is only isolationist if you are Ukrainian?” What exactly is your reasoning that brought you from point A to point B, and, furthermore, where are the “five times” that you laid out this reasoning? Give me every single one of the five or admit that you’re wrong. I’m not going to continue the conversation and just allow you to weasel your way out of that, I will not engage on any other point until you answer that.

        • Madison420@lemmy.world
          2 hours ago

          That’s the literal subject of this discourse, you’re trying to change the argument lol.

          • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
            3 minutes ago

            Right, that’s the original subject, then you said, in relation to that subject, that my stance wasn’t isolationist, and then you completely refused to defend that point while repeatedly lying and claiming that you had already defended it, you just won’t show where, for some reason. And now you’re trying to pretend that none of that even happened and return to the original subject to weasel your way out of admitting that you were wrong, because that’s the only thing you can do at this point.

            You could have just allowed that my stance was isolationist and still disagreed with it. But instead you chose to dispute applying a completely neutral term to me, on no basis and for no real reason either. Literally just the guy in the argument clinic disagreeing with everything the other person says just to be contrarian and never supporting your points.

            So long as you refuse to admit that you were wrong on that point and that you lied when you claimed you had explained your reasoning, you are blatantly arguing in bad faith. There’s no point in discussing anything else because even if I conclusively proved my position, you could just say, “Nuh uh” like you did there. If you’re unwilling to concede even the smallest point like that, then why on earth would I move on to anything else with you?