This has only started recently, less than a week. My battery is just getting its ass kicked.
My day to day is work, on WiFi, always full barrs Sunday - Sunday. I stopped spectrum mobile from gps location yada yada but it doesn’t do anything or help.
Uninstall spectrum mobile app. Reevaluate in 48 hours
You cannot uninstall the app but I did uninstall the updates and then denied access to everything possible on top of location.
You can. ADB is your friend.
pm list packages | grep '<OEM/Carrier/App Name>'
you can try to see withspectrum
Oh this is awesome. Thank you
No worries! Note that it doesn’t really uninstall it, I mean it does but the app is still there, available for you to be reinstalled in case it’s an essential app, in that case do:
adb shell cmd package install-existing <package_name>
So save the app package name somewhere. It uninstalls the app for the current user but it’s still available in the system (it doesn’t run if you uninstall it, no worries)
will this stop it from auto installing?
Unless spectrum pushes some kind of update that reinstall it, you’re okay! The first OS update check if it’s there, if not you’re safe
Can you not? Is that an android thing or an America thing?
It’s bloatware, so probably American. I would know, I avoid those shitass bloated phones like the plague. Sometimes I’ll install a custom ROM to get rid of other shit, too
Its an Android thing. Carriers pay OEMs to install bloatware and spyware on the system partition, where it can’t be removed. Apple simply doesn’t allow it.
Its easy enough to avoid by not buying from the carrier but sometimes the carrier will also sell you them for dirt cheap and with payment plans. Also the OEMs themselves will install their own invasive bloatware.
Carriers also has the final say on your update, and they are the ones signing it.
Updates go from: Google —> OEM —> Carrier. Extra delay for critical patches for security vulnerbilities. Hackers are very happy about this
UAD-ng should let you remove it.
Or since you’re on samsung, add it to the deep sleeping apps list.
These are the only options. And when I hit the 3 dots in the top. I click “uninstall updates” and then maybe 30 minutes later it reinstalls.
I have No clue what this app doesn’t what it’s for. It is not the same app you’d use to pay your bill or see your usage. This app has no icon. I can only force stop it. But my battery went from 100-88 in an hour and half just idling.
It’s under Settings > Battery > Background usage limits > Deep sleeping apps.
Not on that list unfortunately
Dang, well using the debloating tool I linked before might work
i was able to block it from everything. seems to be helping today, its not showing up on the battery list on top anymore.
Probably not necessary for the phone to function right? If not, look into using adb to remove it completely. Only do this if you’re comfortable in using command line and enabling developer mode on your phone
Ditch spectrum
But the price and reception is too good.
The app. Not the service
What is it? Never saw it. You can unistall it
Spectrum is an ISP that has recently started mobile service. My guess is if you buy a phone through them they install this spyware app that you can’t remove.
With adb ?
Idk, I don’t have spectrum
This is a Samsung, right? There should be a way to turn off / limit background usage
I did turn it off on Wedneaday :(
Spectrum is so bad bro. The line is $40/mo for a 50GB data cap.
US Mobile is $34/mo (when you pay for the year up front) and includes 100GB of QCI 8 data on Verizon and then truly unlimted data @ 1Mbps. They support AT&T (darkstar), T-Mobile (GSM), and Verizon (warp) and if you activate via eSIM, you can change them at any time. So if you’re going on a trip and you don’t get service with Darkstar, you can swap to Warp for the weekend if you want.
I’ve been using them for about a year now and they’re badass. I pay $96/yr (I pay up front) for service. Only includes 2GB of data, but I’m home or at work all the time, so it’s not been an issue. Everything else is unlimited.
Excuse me but what the hell are these prices? 34$ a month for 100GB of 5G data? 8$ a month for 2GB? This is a rip off
As Childish Gambino says: “This is America”
Are you insane? The same plan at Verizon is $65+/mo and it uses traffic shaping to limit your video quality to 480p. lol. It’s effectively half the price. Not even to mention that on Verizon you’re limited to 60GB/mo;
Unlimited data is restricted to on-device smartphone usage. After exceeding 60 GB/mo of 5G Ultra Wideband, 5G or 4G LTE mobile hotspot data, mobile hotspot data reduced to speeds up to 3 Mbps when on 5G Ultra Wideband and 600 Kbps when on 5G / 4G LTE for the rest of your monthly billing cycle.
You realize there are other providers than verizon, and places outside the US, right? The US is absolute shit for everything like this, service providers of both line Internet and wireless data. An example, here in Sweden it’s about $12 a month for 50GB with unlimited calls and texts, and no “traffic shaping” (never even heard about that). 100GB is $17. And how the fuck would you use up more than 60GB of mobile data per month?
Lol go look at german mobile carrier prices.
Then you will actually cry.
I pay 5.99€/month for unlimited voice and SMS, plus 200gb/month. 4G only, no 5G, but who cares.
For a little bit more (9.99€ without shopping for offers) you get unlimited* data on 5G too.
But in my mind that way too expensive.
- = only on 5G coverage, some limits apply on 4G, and its actually like 750Gb/month before they cap you anyway.
Non-US. JFC.
What is your carrier? We don’t have unlimited data here, I pay 9 USD per 6 months for total 50 GB, no calls, no SMS.
Kena Mobile, a low cost operator of TIM. Its a “welcome back” offer after I had switched to a different operator, they offered back this which was cheaper and better coverage in my area.
This is for US-specific carriers. As much as we’d love to have such low cost data, that’s just not a reality here.
My plan is exclusive to carrier’s data only SIMs, the SIM card has a phone number but cannot receive calls. I don’t think I can call even emergency services. Using a 2nd SIM with no plan to receive calls and the outgoing calls are always over WhatsApp. The point is if you look for data only SIMs you may find cheaper plans.
US carriers are wise to that already. The biggest cost with US carriers is data - one can get a really cheap no-data plan with texting and calling for next to nothing, but a data-only SIM will still be like $20/mo at the minimum.
Is it unfair? Absolutely. Unfortunately we in the US always get the shaft because corporations have much more power than the people.
I don’t pay 40 a month lmao. I pay $60 for two lines on spectrum both with 30gb cap and 2g if you go over that cap (I’ve never gone over once). Nothing comes close to spectrum here. Even boost mobile for the same plan is $60 a month per line. Verizon is almost double. And I’m not about getting contracted up. I’ve had spectrum mobile since it first came out and I’ve had 0 issues. Either my phone is shit or this app updated to a broken version draining my battery. My wife has an iPhone and is not effected at all. I see no logical reason to drop my carrier at all.
Nothing comes close to spectrum here.
deleted by creator
and that uses SHARED DATA dude. like wtf no that’s shit.
The stupidity continues, I see.
You specifically said nothing comes close to Spectrum, and I post something that’s $2 cheaper for the exact same service. Both plans are 2 lines, both plans have 100GB of full speed data between 2 lines, and both have unlimited QCI 8/7 data after your 50GB per line (which is the same as your current plan), with unlimited talk and text. It’s literally ATT, T-Mobile, or Verizon (you can literally choose which carrier you want, and can even switch them every day).
I posted to literally refute your first statement (which I did–completely) and every correspondence back and forth that we’ve had since then has been you misunderstanding something one way or another. You need to go back to school. This is honestly so embarrassing for you.
But it’s not same serivce. It’s $2 cheaper, favors iPhones, has shared data, and that rate is for only 6 months then spikes up. It’s like you just googled a plan, screen shotted it, didn’t read anything else and then thought I wouldn’t look at it. So even if we split the data then we’d lose 5gb each per month. You sent me a shitty ass plan dude
Verizon is 90 per line. T mobile is 90 per line. Both are 150 for 50gh per line. Zip codes matter dude.
But it’s not same serivce.
It’s the _exact same service, favors no specific phone over another, has a shared data pool so one user can use 100GB in a month if the other uses none, and the price is locked in by paying yearly.
It’s like you just googled a plan, screen shotted it, didn’t read anything else
I’m on this plan and I’ve professionally sold phones for over a decade. It’s almost like you just googled a plan, and started talking shit about it without even knowing what you’re talking about.
You continue to be hands down the dumbest person I’ve found on lemmy since coming here. You’re inventing shit up out of thin air to make it seem like a bad plan when it’s LITERALLY (again, literally, not figuratively) the same service you have right now. Both Spectrum and US Mobile are MVNO and RESELL Verizon’s service as a third party. It’s the same fucking service you have at this exact second for slightly cheaper, much more flexible, and completely fixes the issue that you made this thread about to begin with.
I really hope you find the time to fix yourself in the future because your personality is dog shit.
That costs more than what I pay though. Like that is double what I pay lol.
I pay $60 for two
And this is $58 for 2 lines… I literally sent you a picture man… Jesus.
You get reduced speeds at 50 GB, down to basically dial-up speeds. US Mobile’s data cap isn’t until 100GB, and you still get 1Mbps after the cap…
You get double the data for the same price, for the same 2 phones… I’m begging you to read man.
Okay so you want me to save 2 whole dollars by switching to what exactly? Google Fi? Idk what the fuck you’re showing me dude it’s a screen shot of random shit that might not even be available in my area.
I’ve been on Lemmy for like 3 weeks, and you’re the dumbest person I’ve met so far. There should be like, an award.
The best part is you don’t even understand it.
My wife is on Visible (Verizon mvno) for a whopping $35/mo with no cap.
Never heard of or have that here. Sounds cool though
You don’t have T-Mobile or Verizon in your area? You’re on Spectrum, which uses Verizon towers. Visible is owned by Verizon, and is arguably a better deal, especially if you pay annually. Mint Mobile is owned by T-Mobile; T-Mobile is right behind Verizon for coverage.
As someone who had the displeasure of having Spectrum internet for almost 5 years, I would strongly suggest leaving that shithole company in the dust.
verizon is trash dude, no one would pay those prices and be contracted. Verizon is starting at $65 a line at its “unlimited welcome” plan. the 30gb plan is $80 and the50gb is $90. t-mobile is just as bad if not worse. with 50gb STARTING at 90 a month with the next tier up is 150 a month. its fucking garbage dude. i don’t understand how people on this site cant be like “oh…idk man maybe this dude looked at all the options before buying a phone plan and might have picked the best option in their area” how is that a hard concept to grasp? good lord, i just want help with an app dude im not going to change my plan to some shit, expensive garbage.
deleted by creator
Verizon is almost double. And I’m not about getting contracted up.
Verizon is less, with no contract.
“Typical 4G LTE & 5G download speeds are 9-149 Mbps. Video streams in SD. In times of traffic, your data may be temporarily slower than other traffic.” no thanks
video streams in SD
So does spectrum
In times of traffic, your data may be temporarily slower than other traffic
They have a plan for not much more that includes priority data.
Is the phone carrier locked? Can you install a carrier neutral stock ROM?
it is locked yes.
Sometimes clearing the app data and cache can also help. Not sure if it’s the answer here but worth a try.
I will give that a try. Gotta find the cache first lol.
I doubt that I’ll help unless spectrum has a extra shit app.
Totally unrelated, but I’m wondering if you saw the Boost post a couple of days ago: it is not private and sends your data to advertisers 😢 Maybe seek for an alternative? There are many ☺️
Might be able to disable it with adb?
If you turn GPS back on, does the behaviour change?
Have you rebooted your phone recently?
Have you asked your telco?
I turned gps off to see if it would save battery.
I restarted my phone last night (I was not receiving texts from one person because my phone was “offline” though I could talk to everyone else)
I did not do that yet.
Custom ROM :p