About a year ago, my grandpa experienced wondrous symptoms. So he went to the hospital. The doctor wasn’t sure what was wrong with him at first, so he had to stay for multiple days. After much discussing about possible causes, it turns out he’d eaten a piece of some random game that another family member brought along, and that he’d let thaw and then had refrozen it. That allowed the doctors to treat him successfully on, I believe, day 3.
After leaving the hospital, he still wasn’t sure of the cause though — and you can’t just throw away perfectly good meat!; so he ate another piece of the defrosted game and, no surprise, went to hospital again. This time around, the diagnosis was a lot easier though.
I read this thinking a piece of game meant like a board game piece for the whole thing and was so baffled 😅 finally got it
You can’t eat bad meat all at once, it’s lethal.
For context: This is Germany, A&E is ~free.
In context I now know you mean game as in hunted game, I was wondering why your grandpa was melting and eating Monopoly pieces
I love FL4K!
Reminds me of the bad krabby patty from SpongeBob.
I’m sure it was a GBA cartridge.
All this because I don’t know at all what kind of animal it was.
wondrous symptoms
If you eat the entire apple, an apple tree will grow in your stomach
Right beside the gum tree.
And out your ass.
Only if the sun shines there, which we all know it does
I honestly don’t understand why people don’t eat the core. It’s the same but a little more chunky. Why do so many people let perfectly edible and tasty food go to waste.
Because it’s barely edible and not tasty…
The seeds contain cyanide.
Smoke some cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach.
Cyanide isn’t a bacteria
a very small amount. The seeds are not harmful to eat.
An apple will grow in your belly
That’s bad
I ate the core at school but the teachers made me stop because “the seeds are poisonous!”
The seeds actually contain cyanide. Eating a single apple core doesn’t have enough to kill you, but if you fill a 4oz cup with apple seeds and eat them in one sitting, you’re cooked.
Very true. However, that fact didn’t stop them from taking away my apple core.
The seed cases taste like plastic
How do you know how plastic taste?
A) It has the texture of plastic, and it is tasteless
B) I have eaten american “cheese”
one time a kid in elementary school ate an apple and its core in front of me and i asked how he did it and all he said was “im russian”
Well at least others will assume you have a big dick
His name was Gelding.
They still have big dicks
Sadly my granddad was only an average depression survivor.
We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives.
But on the plus side you get to fuck Helena Bonham Carter.
Well, someone does. It’s all the same to her.
In this thread: cyanide and depression
Don’t eat the apple seeds. Their content can turn into cyanide during digestion.
You would need to eat a lot of seeds, estimated over 150, to do harm.
https://curejoy.com/content/are-apple-seeds-poisonous/ https://www.britannica.com/story/can-apple-seeds-kill-you https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/20/fact-check-apple-seeds-have-cyanide-but-not-enough-kill/3359754001/
Kill and Do Harm are not exactly the same. My vote is toss the apple core into a field unless apples are not native or present there.
Apple seeds dont typically grow in to apple trees with actually tasty fruit
We’ve also spent a lot of time and effort genetically modifying apple trees to get more, tasty, feuit, and less seeds.
Just compare a modern banana to a wild banana.
I didn’t say it would.
True, and… there’s a difference between Killing, doing harm, and benefitting. The dose makes the poison.
Amygdalin as a Promising Anticancer Agent: Molecular Mechanisms and Future Perspectives for the Development of New Nanoformulations for Its Delivery https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10531689/
An update on the toxicity of cyanogenic glycosides bioactive compounds: Possible clinical application in targeted cancer therapy https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0254058420302200
If your metric for “actually good for you” is “used in cancer therapy” then you’re going to live a very very short lifespan.
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Snopes: Luckily for those fond of their Granny Smiths, the body can detoxify cyanide in small doses, and the number of apple seeds it takes to pack a lethal punch is therefore so huge that even the most dedicated of apple eaters is extremely unlikely to ingest enough pips to cause any harm. Yet those who have heard apple seeds house a poison (usually remembered as arsenic, a quite different though equally deadly compound) cling to the frightening belief swallowing a small number of pips spells instant death.
I can’t find an estimate right now, but you would have to eat at least a big handful of seeds, while making sure you grind them up in your mouth. It’s not wise to worry about this.
You would have to ingest an ungodly amount in one sitting, it’s a non-issue.
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. For children especially, with the wrong apple variety, there is indeed a risk.
And yet there’s no documented cases of it happening…. Why…?
You people are being alarmists over something your body can naturally remove. It’s a non-issue, There’s a reason why you can’t find a source to corroborate anything you’ve stated here.
Unless you want to eat them like peanuts and masticate them beyond all recognition, no one is at risk dude.
Even with varieties containing the highest amount, kids would still need to be eating nearly 20 or so cores, so the likelihood of poisoning is only a concern for those who might eat that much all at once.
The likelihood for the average person is being extremely low, since extremely few people will eat that much all at once.
How else am I supposed to built up a tolerance for cyanide if I don’t microdose insignificant amounts daily?
No thanks. I eat the whole apple daily.
So do I - apples generally have very few seeds. I don’t eat the stem though.
My grandmother lived through the hunger winter and she remained adamant about not wasting any food. Those things have a big impact.
Apple seeds contain very small amounts of cyanide. Eating an occasional apple core won’t kill you but too many apple seeds in a short amount of time will. I think this is why we instinctively avoid eating apple cores.
TL;DR: this is simply not true in practice
To be at risk of cyanide poisoning from apple seeds, you would need to consume a significant amount of crushed seeds, with estimates ranging from 150 to several thousand. The exact number depends on the apple variety. Apple seeds contain amygdalin, a compound that can release cyanide. The cyanide content is around 700 milligrams of hydrogen cyanide per apple seed. A lethal dose of cyanide is approximately 50-300 milligrams. Therefore, you would have to eat roughly 1,000 apple seeds to reach a lethal dose. Some calculations suggest that consuming slightly more than 250,000 seeds would be fatal. Eating 29-38 apple cores, assuming each apple has 6-8 seeds, could cause serious harm. You’d have to eat upwards of 20 apples in one sitting and chew all the seeds to be affected.
I started eating the core for gut health. Won’t lecture you - google it if you like.