Why is this so hard? I’ve tried to do everything right, and I have more than most around me and I’m still struggling. I don’t know if I’ll be able to find a place to live.

  • JigglySackles@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    Just because you have a lot and you do the right things, doesn’t mean you won’t struggle all the same. Life is a struggle, even during the best times. It is hard. It will make you doubt yourself. At times it will be unbearable. But it will be ok in the end. Just solve one problem at a time. Overcome one obstacle. Then do it once more.

    And watch the horizon instead of your feet. It’s ok to feel sad and upset. It’s human nature to feel those emotions during hard times, and they make you no less of a person. Let them out now and again, even if it’s just into a pillow or an empty car. I believe in you, even if you are doubting yourself, because you can do hard things. You have before. You will again. It’s just hard in the moment and once it passes you’ll have a new tolerance for what is hard.