Those physical constants were randomly chosen. And they eventually chose a different physical standard only recently. And it STILL contains an error even after all these centuries because one of the original men sent to do the real world measurement cheated at his job and made up some of his measurements to avoid traversing some difficult terrain. So yes, it turns out it’s as “made up” as much as any other system.
Those physical constants were randomly chosen. And they eventually chose a different physical standard only recently. And it STILL contains an error even after all these centuries because one of the original men sent to do the real world measurement cheated at his job and made up some of his measurements to avoid traversing some difficult terrain. So yes, it turns out it’s as “made up” as much as any other system.
I suggest you read up on how the metric system works since it’s apparent that you don’t know jack shit.
I do know exactly how it works. As far as the error in the metric system, let me goggle that for the lazy and ignorant