We had a rotary phone growing up, people’s hair was big and their shoulders were padded. People cringed when their house had an avocado bath suite.
Sweets were rationed when I was born. Sometime later I sold avocado bathroom suites…
They’re you’re fault haha!
Yes! Sorry about that… Although there was a grey/brown/sludge colour that was worse than avocado. Real avocados though were rarer than avocado bathroom suites.
We’re usually the tech support for generations before and after us
Old enough to know questions like this are often used for doxxing purposes, young enough to have so little to live for that I just simply don’t care.
Worried about being drafted in the immediate aftermath of 9/11
I grew up playing flash games on the Internet
There’s this new thing called pokemon
I remember rotary phones, Saturday morning cartoons, slap bracelets, and a time when there was ONE home videogame system.
I have to feed my Tamagotchi!
I have copies of the same bands’ albums in four different formats.
The first thing I bought with money I earned myself was a Teal Gameboy Color.
I played Mortal Kombat in highschool in MS-DOS.
The most popular game machine in my first neighbourhood had unmoveable sprites for picture elements:
God I’d forgotten they existed! Blast from the past
Michael Jackson was black when I first learned he existed
The new SpongeBob has no spirit
I have not met anyone younger than me who remembers the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers.
I went up them twice. Once, they tossed my pocketknife in a basket (full of pocketknives) they kept behind the metal detectors to reclaim when we finished. America is fucking weird