Not sure if HR would find it appropriate or inappropriate for me to have accidentally stumbled across these while doing engineering research on my work computer.
The page’s edit history also has this funny gem:
Other names for sex bolts, or (in some cases) for the female half specifically, include:
- architectural bolts,[1]
- barrel bolts,[citation needed]
- barrel nuts,[2]
- binding barrels,[3]
- book screws[4] or book binding screws,[5]
- Chicago screws,[2] or Chicago binding screws and posts,[6]
- connector bolts,[7][8]
- female screws,[2]
- posts and screws, screws and posts,[9] or screw-in-post fasteners,
- sleeve nuts[10]
- splint screws.
sex nutsex screwAs a German, I’ve been told, that in English ‘screw’ and ‘mother’ are rarely being used together in an engineering context.
Was vagina nut taken?
(Like the penis screw.)
On McMasterCarr they are binding barrel and sleeve nuts. As far as I’m concerned it’s only what they name it that matters because who I’m buying it from.
TIL this is the name of an actual thing and not just a quirky name for a Voron mod.
I like that it waits until the end of the second paragraph to even suggest there might be another name.
Lot to unpack here
This is beautiful