My cat. Won’t stop meowing until I give her breakfast
But also I love waking up early because I feel like I can have some me-time (besides the cat), so that’s what I look forward to instead of thinking of the whole day. I GET to hang out with myself
My smartphone sleeps in a different room than I do, we’re not THAT close. So I need to physically move to another room to stop the alarm in the morning.
I just SNEEZE (house dust mite allergy sufferer).
I set the alarm late enough that I need to leave or I’ll be late for work. Also, go to sleep earlier if you can’t get up on time.
I have ~10 alarms all scheduled to go off every few minutes until my frustration overpowers my will to sleep as I would otherwise dismiss the alarm rather than snoozing it and wake up unemployment.
I don’t actually use a traditional alarm much anymore, only for the rare “special occasion”. My secret: Smart lights. They dim on very gradually in the morning, so the light wakes me up. The other half of the equation is that they also gradually dim off in the evening, and that does an amazing job of getting me to bed at a reasonable hour without feeling forced.
About 5 years ago I woke up to being trapped in a burning house, barely made it out alive.
Now when ever I wake up I’m immediately in fight or flight adrenaline mode.
0/10, would not recommend.
House fire gang represent. ('88)
I just lay there half awake staring at the wall while the alarm sounds.
I don’t have an alarm anymore, thanks to the pandemic and home office. What a game changed. If I do have to set one up for important events, my smart alarm from my watch wakes me up in light sleep phase. Even with a noisy phone watch, my body does not feel like getting asleep again. I suppose, if you fall right back asleep, you did not sleep enough. Try to go to bed earlier and if you wake up a lot at night, try to identify why? Is your blood sugar falling too much, are there noises, are you stressed during the day? A good night sleep should be uninterrupted, consistent regarding the going to bed time, and should make you feel refreshed in the morning.
I wake up and get out of bed.
Wake up. Don’t feed the bad habit.
The forty-five minutes between alarm and leaving for work are the only time I will get to myself all day.
THIS 100%. If I don’t get up when my alarm goes off, I’ll have less me time before my wife and kid wake up. No time to workout, take a hot shower, run downstairs and enjoy silence.
I put my phone on the other side of the room so I have no choice but to get up and shut off the alarm. Then by the time I get over there I realize how much I’ve got to pee, so I do. Then after I pee the shower is right next to me so I might add we’ll get in and wake up for the day. I basically make it so it’s more convenient to just get up than to go back to bed.
Instead of snoozing, you could just sleep longer. Once I realised that, I changed habit.
My alarm sound is two people in the physical act of love.