Do you hate the way Beehaw website looks? Do you long for the days of that other site with the old formatting??
Well Beeple; I present the old interface thanks to Mlmym! Give it a try if that’s your thing -
A note here though, that is an external project dealing with the Lemmy aspects in their own way. If you find an issue or bug on, please try the same on before crying foul. Please report any issues or bugs to the right place to get them fixed.
Can’t figure out how to get it going with RES, despite a trawl through the settings. If you can give any pointers I’d be grateful.
I honestly don’t know. I had been using for a day or so when I noticed my browser had populated some communities to the shortcuts across the top, which is when I posted the previous comment, but when I tried to rearrange them (as you can do in RES) that didn’t work. So maybe it’s not actually RES but just an attempt to make it visually the same as RES?
Ah yeah. Mine has this also, but I dimly recall the other site had that without RES enabled, at least when not signed in?
Fair enough, I was mistaken. I still actually prefer this layout.