Apparantly there is no way to influence demand for housing.

  • Treevan 🇦🇺
    11 months ago

    How hopeful did the referendum make you feel afterwards?

    And the generational thing is a thing for trees, the 50’s onwards was a land clearing bonanza; boomers would have been young children watching, hearing, getting involved in large scale pastoral and clearing works, and were exposed to significant advertising around herbicides as the great new thing, while “hippies” are evil (now the Greens). I don’t blame them for not disliking trees (like seriously hate them - I had to talk to thousands of requests), they are a product of the environment at the time. The “hippies” that stayed environmentalists were up against it and all credit to them.

    • Gorgritch_Umie_Killa@aussie.zoneM
      11 months ago

      Well, while i don’t disagree the Venn diagram between those who hate trees and those who said No would have more than a significant middle section, i was only saying ‘hopeful’ in regards the environmental policy area, not in general political winds.

      And yep, for sure with the land clearing. I’d say the thoughtless attitudes go back further, the key difference being the industrial capability lessened the km^2 able to be cleared. And the Greens were a fairly friendless bunch in the beginning thats for sure. But their success is actually one of many examples why I do have hope in this area. The Greens vote is as large, by memory larger last election, as the Nationals is now. There are key differences in the geographical positioning of those votes which result in less Greens reps and more Nats reps, but the raw numbers are still important, and the direction of travel is also. Momentum in these things builds slowly, but is hard to stop.

      • Treevan 🇦🇺
        11 months ago

        I wasn’t conflating the two, I thought it was the most recent example that “hoping” that people would vote and do the right thing isn’t always the case, especially when lobbying is involved. We can certainly stay optimistic but environmental issues were barely mentioned in the last federal election, even worldwide politics trending to decoupling acknowledging it as it isn’t a vote winner. It’s been Public Enemy #1 for the human race for a looooong time but all we can do is hope that there will be an ever so slow, slight change to thinking about maybe doing something about it.

        After WW2, the understory thanks to tracked vehicles was able to be cleared much faster which accelerates localised issues like erosion and habitat loss. Not to say the ringbarking and fire crews from the 1800’s weren’t amazing but there is something to be said for basically tanks and road cuts.

        • Gorgritch_Umie_Killa@aussie.zoneM
          11 months ago

          Tanks definitely made things easy for them!

          You and I see this topic very differently. I see an increasing trend to mainstreaming of environmental action. It isn’t always great, but a corner has been turned, this means theres less fights in the media about it.

          I’d say last federal election had climate and environmental issues at it’s heart. From the Greens huge result, the Teal independents coming in hot as well. And the Labor party winning majority, but not by much, that sends a message. Nationals hardly moved, i think they gained maybe one seat? Liberals down like twenty? Hanson and Palmer just about flatlining, from where they were.

          I saw the lack of argument over environmental policy through the eyes of an IPCC author I heard on the radio a couple years ago. They said something to the effect of, ‘theres nothing really to argue about anymore, the science is largely done, climate change is happening, the lived experience largely equates with what the climate models predict.’

          Also the financial world has identified the value, especially since Solar went under cost of coal, that signified a huge change. Murdoch doing his directive from on high, meaning they think the popular mood has swung towards needed action. Then, the IRA bill got passed in the US. This signalled two things for the private business world,

          1. Way lower risk because the number one customer, the US government, is backing climate action projects.

          2. Private enterprise isn’t going to be left to fail alone, thus threatening their whole business, if a venture falls over.

          Rishi Sunak in the UK backing away from Britains climate action leadership is just about the only big thing i can think about that swam in the other direction.

          But of course, i list all these hopeful actions in a time when the rubber has well and truly hit the road on climate change, and we are going to reap what we’ve sewn with the turmoil and unnecessary losses that entails. All we can hope for is more competence from ourselves. (I mean ourselves as the collective)