Donald J. Trumpā€™s declaration Tuesday night that he would be a ā€œdictatorā€ only on ā€œDay Oneā€ of his presidency wasnā€™t to be taken seriously, Fox News host Jesse Watters insisted Wednesday.

ā€œItā€™s only a dictatorship for one day, guys,ā€ Watters began, chuckling. ā€œHeā€™ll just sit and sign executive orders like Biden did.ā€

Trump, Watters claimed, ā€œknows exactly what he is doing.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s teasing the press and they just took the bait,ā€ he claimed, before playing clips of two MSNBC contributors whoā€”unlike Wattersā€”were not taking Trump lightly.

ā€œLook how unhappy these people look. MSNBC needs to relax. And donā€™t you dare laugh at Trumpā€™s jokes. They arenā€™t funny,ā€ the Fox host said, before going to another round of clips, this time from the rival networkā€™s Morning Joe show.