Context: Me and my partner went out for a meal last night. 7-9. The restaurant in question was absolutely heaving as you’d expect on a Friday night. And we got unfortunately positioned directly next to the offending group of maybe 10 adults and 3-4 young kids.

I should say, the kids weren’t the issue here, for the most part they were on a separate table and we didn’t hear them (we’ve got two of our own, we don’t mind a bit of kid noise). The adults though, oh boy.

Now normally I’m not one to complain (guess what - I didn’t complain) but these guys were getting looks from across the entire venue. They’re swearing, they’re doing some sort of (almost comedic) booming laughing thing that wouldn’t have been out of place at a Brian Blessed convention and this went on for the entire 2 hours they were there.

In short: how do you get a party of people to tone it down just a little so that the rest of us can enjoy our evening out, without getting a torrent of abuse or making it incredibly awkward? Is It even possible?


This…went in a direction I wasn’t expecting. Just trying to drum up a little Saturday morning activity for the community. If I was that bothered I’d have just asked the staff to ask them to tell the group to quieten down.

I’m not sure how or why this got into a debate about the rights and wrongs of GenZ; a generation I’m not even a member of but hey ho.

Y’all have a nice day now.

    9 months ago

    Oh look, it’s one of the younglings who can’t hear the truth because it hurts your fee fees.

    Dude/dudette is right. This is basic life shit like paying your own bills, finding a place to rent, buying your own groceries, cooking your own food (instead of eating delivery or going out for every meal, etc).

    And I’m sure this will bring some ire too but boomer is a specific generation. If you are under 25 good chance the boomers in your family are your great grandparents and it’s your parents (gen x) that should have taught you this life stuff as well as how to deal with other people online and off. Even if boomer was a mindset like some younglings seem to think, the above comment comes nowhere near it and those who throw this around instead of actually conversing and learning something new have most definitely not met a “boomer”. That generation was full of hippies, potheads, etc.

    For the record I straddle x and millennial but have more in common with x despite my distain for the use of generations like this outside of population studies and academia.