The Russian famine that killed hundreds of millions is my favorite.

  • on the whole provided better resource management strategies

    Two backwater feudal societies industrializing in a few decades would like to differ.

    the Russian famines that killed hundreds of millions under Stalin

    A) There was a famine in 1930s… and one in the 1940s, but uh… does this person think it’s Stalin or gobbunisms fault that the Nazis razed everything west of Moscow?
    B) Even the Black Book after counting babies not conceived (people didn’t fuck enough), counting Nazis as victims, et. al. still had to take a shit and smear that into the book just to get to 99 million.

    Nazi - racial socialism


    No food to feed billions.

    And what happens to that food? Oh thats right, a large part of it isn’t used to feed people. Does “better resource management strategies” include throwing out food (perfectly fine and usable at that) because it won’t sell for as much?

    Gobbunism no phone

    Lmao, literately doing the bit.

    capitalism is the best we’ve got

    Looks at anything that isn’t “the west”

    The berlin airdrop

    I just recently found Soviet Russia Today, where Anna Luise Strong writes about this:

    Anna L. Strong in Soviet Russia Today, 1949-01

      Berlin, for instance. I had come from New York where the papers daily shrieked about the terrible Russian “blockade,” that was trying to starve Berlin for “political gain.” I found that people here don’t consider that there’s any “blockade” at all, but merely a currency and trade control to prevent American black-marketeers from ruining the entire Soviet zone. They assure me that at all times the Russians have had enough food in their sector of Berlin to feed the entire city, and can bring more in from Poland if needed, but that the Western military authorities terrorize with loss of food cards and even by physical beatings any Germans who try to go to the Soviet zone to buy. They give you examples.
      The view here is that the Americans don’t want any solution in Berlin except one that will enable them to use their foothold in that city to ruin the economy of the entire Soviet zone; that the “air-lift” is chiefly propaganda and military furor, plus export of a lot of Berlin industrial property without control. That every time an agreement is reached, the Americans break it by trying to make it mean more than it says. For instance, by translating “four power control” of Berlin currency into the right of Americans to print Soviet zone marks

    • Muad'
      9 months ago

      She’s right, the berlin air-lift was all a propaganda attack: trying to manufacture starvation (and failing), then showing off to a mostly western audience that you are the only one that can fix this fake problem.

    9 months ago

    This is the sort of person who thinks capitalism began in 3000 CE with the invention of the concepts of money and debt.

    9 months ago

    Imagine being western Maoist, enthusiatically spreading the Uyghur genocide hoax only for your ideological ally like this blame it on “Maoist Marxism”

    9 months ago

    Time to bust out the good ol’ boy

    In 30 of 36 comparisons between countries at similar levels of economic development, socialist countries showed more favorable PQL outcomes.

    PQL variables included indicators of health, health services, demographic conditions, and nutrition (infant mortality rate, child death rate, life expectancy, crude death rate, crude birth rate, population per physician, population per nursing person, and daily per capita calorie supply); measures of education (adult literacy rate, enrollment in secondary education, and enrollment in higher education); and a composite PQL index.

    9 months ago

    If we attribute all the bad things that ever happened to communism, then all the bad things that have ever happened are caused by communism, which means communism is just bad things!