• NotMyOldRedditName@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    The problem is the prisons are for profit.

    Prisons get money from state for taking care of prisoners

    Prisons put workers to work at slave wages.

    State reps get kickbacks from Prisons to encourage more incarceration.

    Police happily target black people and minorities and get them sent to prison

    Prisoners work for slave wages

    Rinse repeat.

    If the Prisons were state run not for profit, this might work out better, but that’s often not the case.

    • taanegl@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      You forgot to mention that the prisons are trauma-factories designed to have “repeat costumers”, breaking down people into a million little pieces, to be built up as better, harder, more well connected and well educated criminals.

      Who knew, that all these years after, those politicians who called prisons “revolving doors” was sort of correct.

      It wasn’t because they weren’t “hard on crime” enough, but that the court systems and prison systems actively creates repeat offenders.

      Reformist prisons may seem more expensive, but it will save society a ton of money in the long run.

      Someone tell the politicians.