Just your average urban druid interested in technology and quantum field theory.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Drivesavers!

    They’re not cheap, but they can damn near recover anything.

    Example: We had a sales rep. in Saudi Arabia for a month. On the way there he dropped his laptop bag. Wouldn’t startup and made a rattling sound when shook.

    For over a month he had a detached read/write head dancing across the drive platters. (He kept his replacement laptop and the damaged one together in his bag…)

    Drivesavers managed to recover every file but one. Also the first time they failed to recover the entire drive for us, and we sent them <5/year. When we got the drive back it was shocking how much damage that head did to those platters, and amazing they only failed on one file!

    This was over 2 decades ago and cost us $2.3K. Not sure what they’re charging these days or if they can selectively recover files/folders as we always did the entire drive.

    But if you absolutely need that data they’ll get it!

    Not affiliated with them in any way, just a happy customer in my last job.

  • On leg day do you stretch first, then lift? On walking day do you stretch as well? If that’s “Yes” and “No” try the same warmup on walking day.

    Do you have different shoes you wear for each type of activity? Shouldn’t be shock/impact stressors, but if so try wearing the same pair for walking to see if that helps.

    Do you have the same drinking pattern during both? Just because you’re not sweating during your waking doesn’t mean that you’re using up fluids. Especially if you’re outside in a much warmer environment vs. inside a moist, humid gym.

    Doesn’t sound like blood clots nor (shin) splints, as those are deeper. Nor does it sound like allergies, as that’d be on the skin, from say your laundry detergent, or any grooming lotions and potions.

  • Black Holes are infinitely fascinating!

    They’re ’a thing’ we knew nothing about until Einstein wrote a paper, and even though his own math showed their existence, he doubted that they could be real.

    Turns out that they are, and that they form the structure of the entire universe.

    That’s my object.

    My favorite thing is Quantum Field Theory! You know the field of magnetism, you played with it as a kid when you got your hands on two magnets the first time.

    Turns out every particle in the standard model has its own field, and an excitation of that field manifests as that type of particle.

    David Tong explains it masterfully: https://youtu.be/zNVQfWC_evg

    As does HOTU: https://youtu.be/UYW1lKNVI90

    EDIT: Both links above are 1+ hours each, and done in layperson terms. No degree needed, just a desire to learn something fascinating.