Querk [they/them]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yes, but expecting corporations to do it on their own is silly. They operate in a competitive environment so game theory should tell us what’s going to usually happen. The laws and regulations exist, and a lot more are needed, but it’s also not as simple because costs of enforcement also range from inexpensive to infeasible. In the end, it’s people making self-interested decisions, whether on behalf of themselves or on behalf of corporations. I don’t know of any easy solutions - my feeling is that those don’t exist - so the best bet is to steer society towards better and more effective politics. More distributed and less concentrated power structures, checks and balances, enforcement, novel, effective, and efficient systems through science based analysis, as well as lots of trials and errors and fast iterative improvements based on rapid feedback loops. In short, the world nowadays moves faster than the current government systems and it’s a losing battle until governing adaptability can increase in speed.

  • Conclusion

    The Equifax data breach from 2017 stands out as one of the largest data breaches in history, impacting millions of individuals. It is the result of several mistakes made by Equifax:

    • Insufficient knowledge of their legacy systems.
    • Poor password storage practices.
    • Lack of rigor in the patching process.
    • Lack of network segmentation.
    • Lack of Host-Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS)
    • Lack of alerting when security tools fail.

    That’s what happens when corps cheap out on IT security. Storing so much personal sensitive data and not putting in the work needed to properly safeguard it. Good IT is hard, but not impossible.

  • You don’t sound like an asshole at all. I realize people have different cultural norms, but in my family, grandparents can’t impose their will on how our kids are raised by us and that’s a strict matter of principle. They’re free to opine, they’re free to disagree, but the buck stops there. Ego power trips are frowned upon :)

    I’d say your FIL is making a big mistake with such an ultimatum and should be encouraged to reconsider.

    If it’s just about the jewelry issue, it might seem like avoiding confrontation might be worth it depending on the family situation, but if it’s about the expectation of control, as it seems it might be, then it’s worth setting the boundaries right then and there.

    If FIL’s concern is for the well-being and safety of his grandchild, then ask him to explain how cutting off ties with the family isn’t detrimental to the child. Either he’ll come to his senses or might make it more clear that it’s less about the child and more about control and seniority between him and your family, at which point you can discuss that directly.

  • Same reason people at home just come up to each other and start talking (which actually requires immediate response) even when the topic is non-urgent whatsoever, instead of leaving notes around the house.

    It’s all based on differing conventions among people, so saying a call “demands immediate response” is putting your convention above others as the only true one.

    In my family the convention is a bit different. A single call does not signal any urgency and so no one is expected nor obliged to answer if they don’t feel like it. A second call after the first one wasn’t answered implies importance. Third and more calls imply urgency and then emergency. If something is important or urgent and calls aren’t getting answered, a message is sent.

    I like my convention. I also have slightly different conventions with some friends. I am also aware different people may have different conventions and I don’t hold mine to be superior or theirs inferior.