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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s absolutely a reason why they shouldn’t vote. They don’t pay taxes here, they don’t need or deserve representation because of this. It’s so simple you are unable to grasp it.

    That’s great that you think that, but legally they are still a parent with a child so by Musks suggestion, they’d still be able to vote. You seem to be confusing philosophical thought exercises with legal definitions and real world applications.

    So let me know if you ever come up with some evidence that suggests limiting voters to parents only would be a net benefit. Again, doesn’t need to be studies. Isn’t there some research on voting patterns and ideals of parents vs non-parents? I already gave one example but it doesn’t support your argument, quiet the opposite exactly. Your one study showed that parents don’t stop smoking weed, just slow down a little bit, so you can’t really argue they are better because they don’t smoke weed since that’s not true.

    Until then, feel free to respond with more nonsense, I’ll just stop responding until you formulate an actual argument for your position.

  • Oof. Delusional. Not sure why I’ve even wasted as much time as I have replying to you. The projection claiming I’ve made no argument when you are supposed to be the one arguing for why only parents should vote…lmao

    And no, I don’t care about twitter or musk at all to be honest. I’ve never had a twitter account and I don’t have strong feelings on Musk other than the obvious fact that he’s clearly not as smart as he thinks he is. So you’ve got me pegged wrong there, good work.

    I have actually responded why Canadians shouldn’t vote but apparently it was too complex of an answer for you. But yeah I’m not going to just sit here arguing random points you feel like bringing up because you still have zero argument for what we are actually discussing.

    Your answer for why only parents should be able to vote so far has been “why not let Canadians vote?” Which is so fucking stupid and when I point that out you go “see?? You can’t even argue why not only parents should be able to vote by arguing why Canadians shouldn’t be able to vote! Logical fallacies!” I haven’t even asked for a single study. I’ve asked for evidence. It can be anything. The best you have so far is a study that shows people slow down a little bit on smoking weed when they have kids that even you admitted is nothing.

    This conversation has essentially been that image of the pigeon knocking over all the chess pieces and shitting on the board while claiming they won. Congrats, pigeon.

  • wtf are you talking about? You can be broke as shit with no job and have as many kids as you want with zero intentions of getting your shit together. Happens all the time actually. You don’t even need to stick around for 18 years.

    The limitations that are set today are literally the most basic that can be - be a taxpaying member of the society. The criminal status differs by state.

    You are saying they are presumably cool with me which is the root of the issue in all your arguments - you bring up weakly related points and try to act like I’m they are part of any argument I’ve made so you can argue your made up points instead of the very basic thing we are discussing.

    You realize this though so you dig up some study about MARIJUANA use in adults (if you are actually taking this seriously you’d then go on to prove that using marijuana makes you a bad person), but immediately realize how weak this is as well so you write it off for me by saying it won’t be enough to convince me (for the wrong reasons, of course by saying I’m uninterested rather than the fact that it’s just incredibly weak…you aren’t ready to admit yet that there still is no argument to be made here).

    Then you wrap it up nicely with your trademark segue into explaining how well you’ve created fake arguments, pinned them on me, and labeled them as a some sort of logical fallacy. All the while my position hasn’t changed once - show me actual evidence this is a good idea or there is no discussion to be had.
