Cynetri (he/any)

vr enjoyer and occasional gamedev living in ohio, usa who uses arch btw

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2022


  • the overwhelmingly large majority of people want to use

    you state this as fact yet my experience has been that people hate using windows for its UI on handhelds and only tolerate it because everything’s made for it. that’s not a shining point for windows, quite the opposite.

    the steam deck surpassed a million devices sold - so while over 50% of people probably still want windows, i wouldn’t say its an “overwhelming” majority. tons of people clearly like valve’s take on linux even despite its limitations

    1. Yes, not a great as Unity but it’s still pretty good especially after they switched to Vulkan over OpenGL. VR performance still could use some work though.
    2. Yes, PBR materials are fully supported. Actually one of the earlier things in 3D that was implemented, and then imoroved
    3. Yes, now I don’t know if HAVOK has a Godot plugin but there is a Jolt physics plugin that’s designed to be plug-and-play, with a few exceptions (it doesn’t suppory soft bodies afaik)

  • social constructs aren’t totally fake, they’re made “real” by social reinforcement. for example, in the 1940/50s it was expected of women that they were “weak”, and many who went out of line (by speaking up to their husbands, protesting, etc) were punished by being beaten or worse. the feminist and trans rights movements seek to eliminate the old roles and stereotypes assigned to gender to get rid of the real-world retaliation towards those deemed inferior. in contrast, those who seek to reinforce the old ways continue these systems of abuse.

  • Definitely keep the original files intact/backup the files before doing anything, but theoretically, I think it should be possible. Likely, though, depending on the game (especially if it’s a game not made to be modded) there may be specific things like DLLs that look for a niche Windows component or driver that Proton can’t translate and won’t work.

    That being said, Proton is open-source so there are old versions and forks that may work better, GE-Proton most famously. Also, if the game has built-in mod support or rely on a platform-agnostic runtime like Minecraft Java edition, those probably won’t be an issue anyway as the engine/language runtime should handle low-level stuff like that by itself