En norrlänning

  • 252 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


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  • Alltså, det beror på. Byggs spelet utifrån att man kommer fylla på med innehåll i efterhand så kan det vara negativt, speciellt ifall det läggs ner tidigt. Det blir ju lite som att jämföra ett komplett spel från släpp, mot något likt Paradox spelen som är väldigt bare-bones vid släpp och byggs sedan ut med DLC, och lite mindre så med gratis uppdateringar. I det senare fallet kan man ju likna det med Early Access spel fast utan labeln.

    I fallet av single player spel föredrar jag iaf kompletta spel som byggs ut med mindre gratis uppdateringar, alternativt med avsevärda expansioner snarare än att plocka flertalet DLC för 5€ styck.

  • Instämmer, dock tror jag det skulle räcka med att begränsa smartphones men tillåta “dumma mobiler.” Mobiler som kan användas för grundläggande kommunikation, kalendrar, miniräknare men inte sociala medier, spel, och internet. Dock så tror jag inte lagstiftarna kan klura ut någon bra gräns, och kommer nog bara förbjuda mobiler i sin helhet.

  • You might want to read this https://web.archive.org/web/20230921232415/https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/11/general-mark-milley-trump-coup/675375/

    During the George Floyd protests in early June 2020, Milley, wearing combat fatigues, followed Trump out of the White House to Lafayette Square, which had just been cleared of demonstrators by force. Milley realized too late that Trump, who continued across the street to pose for a now-infamous photo while standing in front of a vandalized church, was manipulating him into a visual endorsement of his martial approach to the demonstrations. Though Milley left the entourage before it reached the church, the damage was significant. “We’re getting the fuck out of here,” Milley said to his security chief. “I’m fucking done with this shit.” Esper would later say that he and Milley had been duped.

    For Milley, Lafayette Square was an agonizing episode; he described it later as a “road-to-Damascus moment.” The week afterward, in a commencement address to the National Defense University, he apologized to the armed forces and the country. “I should not have been there,” he said. “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.” His apology earned him the permanent enmity of Trump, who told him that apologies are a sign of weakness.