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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • The lead engineer at a site I work on from time to time is on a 3 on 3 off rotation (weeks) on an offshore oil rig.
    It turns out he was having to miss some of his trips because he had to ‘look after his ailing father’.
    It turns out he was spending this time working another lead engineer job, for the same oil company but in a different country.
    He got away with it for months until some issue came up and he had to call into the office and they noticed his number was from another country, Saudi Arabia.
    Haven’t been back to that site in a while so I don’t know what happened to him but he’s certainly not working there any more.

  • My wife gave birth like this, right on the living room floor and my daughter came out in an egg. The whole thing happened so quick, the midwife only arrived a few moments before she dropped, lucky as she needed to cut the egg open and get my daughter out.
    Meanwhile I was lying on the sofa with a broken leg trying to stop our cat from eating everything.

  • That dose of 16.5mg/kg ld50 is for rats.
    Mice is lower at 0.3mg/kg.
    There have been no know deaths from humans overdosing on lsd, even when people have taken ridiculously high amounts by mistaking it for cocaine and railing lines of it up their nose.
    Sure, a little coma, hypERthermia and light gastric bleeding but nothing a short stint in the hospital didn’t sort em out with no lasting effects.