As confirmed by Hezbollah itself.

    2 hours ago

    The worst part of this is that if they retaliate as they should, they would just be playing into the escalation Israel has been scheming to pull the US directly into the war.

      47 minutes ago

      It sucks and is majorly anger inducing that the oppressed have to exercise much more humility, reason, and empathy than our oppressors, lest we be labeled as the problem. I call it “The Minority Paradox”

    3 hours ago

    This is sad, but Lebanese resistance is still pounding isntrael and the entity will fall. The man was immensely unselfish and I am sure he didn’t make the org all about himself. They all know their time on earth is limited.

    Lastly, the Arab kings live to serve imperialism, this man died defending the oppressed. How much of a king is MBS if he has to follow commands from biden and netanyahu like an obedient dog? That’s not a king, that’s a b. They will never get to normalize with israel, because it won’t exist for long.

    2 hours ago

    Absolutely awful. He was a good man from all I read. I’m angry and frustrated. It shows the Zionists can and will get to anyone who resists them even someone deep in a bunker of vital importance and top security. It shows the area and the world they are strong and will punish those who challenge them and kill them without any doubt due to their extensive intelligence and infiltration. As they have done with indiscriminate terrorism with the pager attacks.

    And still the resistance does nothing.

    The Zionists have completely decapitated the command structure of Hezbollah and much of Hamas. They’ve murdered top Iranian commanders and still they sit on their hands.

    What are they waiting for? What more could the US do other than inflict itself on civilians harder than the Zionists. They keep saying their response will come but who will plan it? As waiting has allowed the Zionists to kill most of the top leadership everywhere but Yemen. Within 6 months they’ll probably kill another high ranking Iranian because they can. And the genocide of Palestinians will continue. And the bombing of Lebanon into submission will continue.

    It is disgraceful if this great man dies without being avenged, if all those who’ve died in the resistance are not avenged. If the Palestinian genocide is not answered.

    Rest in power. A true hero of the anti-imperialist resistance.

      3 hours ago

      I really wish people would stop acting like they know strategy better than the leaders of entire militaries. Iran isnt standing by they are actively producing weapons and sending them to various areas in conflict. Just because they arent starting a full blown regional war doesnt mean they are twiddling their thumbs.

      Everyday this war is delayed is a day that China, and Iran are better prepared for it. Why do you think the US pushes for it so blatantly? They know the sooner it starts the better for them.

      Everyday they manufacture more munitions, build more defences. They are going to be besieged in this war they need to be prepared for it. This isnt a war with Israel its a war with The USA, and yes everyday The US’s dog Israel kills more innocents and that is a travesty, but we must look at the big picture. This isn’t the time to be ruled by emotion but the time to let pragmatic military strategy rule decision making. The war is coming, but Iran would be foolish to act now. It would turn the world against them. Instead allowing Israel to continue to be the agressor means that once Iran is inevitably drawn into things they can be in a better position internationally. It will mean a better outcome for everyone long term.

      Not to mention that if Iran is directly involved they can no longer supply munitions to other groups. As theyd be using them. This way they can supply Hezbollah, Russia, etc and their factories cannot be targeted as they are in neutral lands. Plus im sure there are other things they do that we arent even aware of. Lets stop armchair strategizing and focus on what we can all do to stop these slaughters ourselves. BDS is something anyone anywhere can do. Not just Israeli goods but American ones too. It might not be much when done alone but together it does have an impact.

      • Che's
        32 minutes ago

        It will mean a better outcome for everyone long term.

        Possibly, but then again, in the long term we’re all dead.

      2 hours ago

      I doubt it. Nothing so far has caused the resistance to lash out. I mean we are seeing escalation but it’s entirely driven by the zionist need to escalate.

      I really doubt Iran is going to get involved, there isn’t going to be WW3, just more little people suffering from the genocidal violence of a white supremacist settler state.

    11 hours ago

    here is the full statement with link:

    In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful {So let those fight in the way of Allah who exchange the life of this world for the Hereafter. And whoever fights in the way of Allah and is killed or victorious - We will give him a great reward.} God Almighty is true

    His Eminence, the Master of Resistance, the righteous servant, has passed away to be with his Lord and to His pleasure as a great martyr, a heroic, daring, brave, wise, insightful, and faithful leader, joining the caravan of martyrs of the eternal, luminous Karbala in the divine, faith-based path in the footsteps of the martyred prophets and imams. His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, has joined his great and immortal martyred comrades, whose path he led for nearly thirty years, during which he led them from victory to victory, succeeding the Master of the Martyrs of the Islamic Resistance in 1992 until the liberation of Lebanon in 2000 and to the glorious divine victory in 2006 and all the battles of honor and sacrifice, arriving at the battle of support and heroism in support of Palestine, Gaza, and the oppressed Palestinian people.

    We offer our condolences to the Master of the Age (may God hasten his reappearance), the Guardian of the Muslims, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, may his shadow endure, the great authorities, the mujahideen, the believers, the nation of resistance, our patient and struggling Lebanese people, the entire Islamic nation, all the free and oppressed people in the world, and his honorable and patient family. We congratulate His Eminence the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, may God be pleased with him, on receiving the highest divine medal, the Imam Hussein Medal, peace be upon him, fulfilling his most precious wishes and the highest ranks of faith and pure belief, as a martyr on the path of Jerusalem and Palestine. We offer our condolences and congratulations to his fellow martyrs who joined his pure and holy procession following the treacherous Zionist raid on the southern suburb.

    The leadership of Hezbollah pledges to the highest, most sacred and most precious martyr in our journey full of sacrifices and martyrs that it will continue its jihad in confronting the enemy, in support of Gaza and Palestine, and in defense of Lebanon and its steadfast and honorable people.

    To the honorable mujahideen and the victorious and triumphant heroes of the Islamic Resistance, you are the trust of the beloved martyr Sayyid, and you are his brothers who were his impregnable shield and the jewel in the crown of heroism and sacrifice. Our leader, His Eminence the Sayyid, is still among us with his thought, spirit, line, and sacred approach, and you are committed to the pledge of loyalty and commitment to resistance and sacrifice until victory.

      5 hours ago

      « A total of 1,030 people — including 156 women and 87 children — have been killed in Israeli strikes in Lebanon in less than two weeks, the country’s health minister said Saturday. » (source)

        • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
          9 hours ago

          Except it’s the same “flowery language” my fire and brimstone preacher gave at my grandma’s funeral where he said in the eulogy that my immediate family would burn in hell for not believing.

          Excuse me for having a bit of religious trauma that comes out sometimes

            9 hours ago

            your southern baptist fire and brimstone preacher is a psychotic white supremacist in all likelihood, hezbollah has repeatedly thanked and shown comradery with everyone around the world supporting palestine. i see no mention of non-believers burning in hell here either. I’m sorry you have trauma but it doesnt give you the right to call them religious nuts

              • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
                9 hours ago

                Exactly, which is why I say, every time I see them translated I’m taken aback. I am very aware that there’s a very different context. It still throws me off when I see it because I (rightly) do not normally think of Hezbollah and the white supremacist preacher as the same and so seeing them use the same language feels super fucking weird.

                I guess this is a better way to say it: Because of my background, those words to me have a white, Christian supremacist implication to them. When I hear people talk like that (in English) it is a very reasonable assumption to make that they’re a psycho that should be avoided at all costs. And that is not the case here, which is why it’s strange.

                I shouldn’t have said “religious nuts” I suppose, that was my bad. Idk, could we maybe translate to synonyms that aren’t exactly how the Christian far-right talks?

                • Exactly, which is why I say, every time I see them translated I’m taken aback. I am very aware that there’s a very different context. It still throws me off when I see it because I (rightly) do not normally think of Hezbollah and the white supremacist preacher as the same and so seeing them use the same language feels super fucking weird.

                  I noticed that when reading the translated version of the Qur’an, feels completely different than in Arabic