It’s a riddle. It was made of ice.
Imagine the frostbite
You mean a freezejob, aka rimfreeze
Buttplug fairy takes the buttplug and leaves you with a shart.
Know your local mythology.
I like how he clarifies that he lives alone.
“Sure, one of my roommates could have come in and poked around in my butthole while I was sleeping. But no one was in a position to do such a thing.”
Occam’s razor and all that
Hey I had a roommate that would steal my inserted butt plugs while I was sleeping.
And then what?
Subscribe to my only fans to find out more.
Did it have a flared end?
If yes:
It’s in the toilet, he sleep walked and took a shit and doesn’t remember.
He pooped it out while sleeping and his dog ate it.
If no:
Butt plug goblins.
They can be warded away with a metamucil potion.
Anon needs to go to a hospital soon
but sadly, Anon is American
The worst condition of them all.
Must have been the wind
Do people actually do this?
People aren’t buying all those butt plugs for decoration. People fall asleep. I don’t imagine many people sleep with them on purpose, but certaintly possible to pass out with a butt plug in place.
Sorry, I thought the implication was that someone intentionally slept with one in. I don’t know how you’d sleep like that.
wait until you find out about chastity
I’m aware of it, though I wish I wasn’t. I’m in to some weird shit but that’s too much for me. I think I’d prefer the butt plug.
fascinating. I would think someone would be more keen to engage in chastity, than penetrables, but to each their own i suppose.
It’s too much control or trust to place in another person. Even If I didn’t have trust issues, It’s not something I’d ever be comfortable with. Like you said, to each their own however.
that’s fair, though nobody said you had to involve other people, that’s just a particularly common and relevant practice. But yes ultimately at the end of the day, it only matters what we care, and don’t care for. I just find it interesting knowing why people care about certain things over others.
Have you checked for any holes in your wall? Maybe you coughed or sneezed while sleeping.
Or if there are multiple holes in the walls shine a laser though the holes to get the butt plug trajectory.