• redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    The costs of expanding the alliance outweigh the benefits.

    Wankers. These people did the same with Iraq. Did millions of Ukrainians and hundreds of thousands of Russians need to suffer for them to realise this? (Not to mention the European version of ISIS that’s heading this way and all the turmoil that’s going to cause right at the time the world needs to be focused on climate action.) Would it be too much to ask for journalists to use their thin reasoning skills before they encourage the MIC to let loose with it’s brutality? Absolute fuckheads.

    Hopefully some of the ‘journalists’ who supported this war never sleep soundly again in their lives, haunted every night by the misery they facilitated.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Sadly, I suspect these ghouls sleep just fine. These are the same people who cheered on Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan, and it’s pretty clear they have no regard for the lives they help destroy.

  • supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    They fucked up Ukraine for like a 0.0001% chance at hurting Russia. They don’t care for their own people, why would they give a shit about some ukrainians who they were probably making racist jokes about like a day prior to Feb 2022.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      I think the chance was bigger than that and was real, after all in the past it’s exactly what happened multiple times, most notably with Iraq. What really thrown the wrench in that plan was China actively working to oppose it and India using it for their own interests, and a lot of countries following such. I think US counted on China just doing nothing as and India actively joining USA.

      India is especially interesting, since they don’t even hide they will play both sides to get the most of it, as clearly seen in the last visit of Biden when he fawned to Modi like i never seen any US president fawn to any other head of state, but literally next day India announced they intensify dedollarisation - and what did US said about that? Nothing. Paper tigers.

      • supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I was exaggerating for effect, but very correct that it could have ended badly for Russia, but now the chances are very low and they are still trying to grind Ukraine into dust like a gambler chasing a bad bet.

        India is especially interesting, since they don’t even hide they will play both sides to get the most of it, as clearly seen in the last visit of Biden when he fawned to Modi like i never seen any US president fawn to any other head of state, but literally next day India announced they intensify dedollarisation - and what did US said about that? Nothing. Paper tigers.

        I think here, the US is hoping that India will join a fight against China. Modi knows this and is using it to his advantage. That’s why it’s getting a hall pass.

        • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          That’s why it’s getting a hall pass.

          India is playing it smart currently. Something that a lot of people expected and hoped EU to do, especially they would get a lot more leeway from US, but alas. History will remember it as a great opportunity for EU to rise but they blew it completely.

          • supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Yeah, a theory I heard is that because Europe as it is currently set up needs US support for its own imperialism. So it is in a bind between independence which would require new economic structures and its old ways of doing things with the US as lead bully.

            Edit: it’s also led by a bunch of compradors.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Oh it’s absolutely is. The infighting is a good thing though because it means different factions are pulling in different directions making it hard for US to focus on getting any one thing done.

  • darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I’m not entirely convinced this isn’t a propaganda push to convince Russia they’re sincere about this when they’re not.

    People might raise how these ghouls openly discuss their inner thoughts and plans in these kinds of publications and true enough but for the past 30 years America hasn’t had a peer power rival much less one they’re in a hot proxy war with which they’re not winning so they’ve been content saying the truth because what are the Jihadist (former) pawns of the US going to do about it? What is Iraq and Saddam going to do about it or Libya, etc. Russia on the other hand things are not going according to wishes though they haven’t gone totally south either. Did they ever expect Ukraine to win? Was the whole goal a quagmire in the vein of Afghanistan in the 80s for the Soviets? Was it just an exercise in purging old weapons and stimulating arms manufacturers in order to fill the reserves with the new stuff for China and get money out to the manufacturers to get the lines hot and ready for that conflict? Was it multiples of these?

    US has not and will not take its eyes off subjugating Russia but that doesn’t mean this whole thing couldn’t have been mainly for the purposes of expanding NATO, generating obedience and solidarity among their pet politicians in Europe and elsewhere, doing a test check on civilian populations for their obedience to the propaganda and willingness to endure hardships in the name of liberal democracy, and overall readying the populations, alliance itself, and arms of said alliance for a planned coming conflict with China in say 3 years?

    The US knows Russia is somewhat well managed compared to many of their enemies, has solid counter-intelligence capabilities and is a difficult, strong nut to crack. They also know they pay attention to these kinds of publications and words and maybe take actions based on them. They could be saying this as a lie arranged behind the scenes among these people to fool the Russians into accepting another false peace like Minsk Accords. They allow them the Eastern territories they annexed plus Crimea but without real recognition or legalizing it, they agree to cease hostilities and pinky promise they totally never really intended to bring them into NATO anyways or that it will be a long, long road (with a behind doors wink to Russia). Russia pulls back its troops, demobilizes entirely, then like a year later out of nowhere Ukraine has been fast-tracked into NATO with a quick vote and suspension of any rules preventing it all of a sudden. NATO forces roll in a month after the announcement of intent and weeks after signing and set up on the Eastern border of the Ukrainian rump-state with their weapons, radars and nukes not far behind. Maybe they stage a provocation to get into a hot war with Russia to retake Crimea and the lost territories while disciplining and humiliating Russia (or maybe getting us all nuked for their troubles in planning such), maybe they just sit there and hope for a chance at a good decapitating strike on the Russian government to throw it into chaos if they ever get a pawn into a highly placed military position inside Russia.

    All I can really say is with all the deception going on with this war and the fact that it is the industrial, war-complex-industrial bourgeoisie not the finance ones who hold the ears of the generals and political administration, a sign of a split does not mean any change in behavior. Nordstream was deception, Minsk accords were deception. US has admitted they lied about China helping Russia and had the press print it to try and dissuade China from doing that. They have openly admitted to media manipulation for the cause of the moment so everything has a huge question mark over it.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      If that’s the idea then it’s a rather misguided plan. Russia knows exactly what promises from the west are worth at this point, and they’re perfectly aware that if the conflict was somehow frozen then the west will waste no time pumping Ukraine with weapons and beefing up their military as fast as they can.

      After having committed so many resources, and having lost so many lives, it’s politically impossible for the Russian government to do anything but finish this decisively. There’s also very little reason for Russia to negotiate given that they’re winning militarily, economically, and geopolitically. The longer this war goes on the worse off the position of the entire west becomes.

      Finally, Russia knows that China has its back because China needs Russia as a partner to secure resources and as a shield in the west. The worst possible outcome for China would be if Russia was balkanized by the west and US was able to install puppet regimes there. The war is also depleting US resources pushing out their timeline for a conflict with China which gives China much needed time to prepare. Therefore, if Russia ever found itself in a difficult position then China will step in and provide support.

      This is not a conflict that can end on terms favorable to the west. The real question is what the west will do once they realize the reality of the situation. I’m hoping western leaders aren’t suicidal enough to start a nuclear holocaust, but given that constant escalation has been the approach, unfortunately that can’t be ruled out as the ultimate outcome here. The alternative is for the west to accept defeat which will be the end of the empire as everyone in the world will see that NATO cannot match Russia as a military power.

  • Rev@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I mean, didn’t NATO always know this? It’s clear that provoking Russia was the goal, not an unintended consequence.

    • sicaniv@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      It definitely was the goal as now it’s US in place of Russia fulfilling food and energy demands of Europe, but at highly inflated prices. It’s the dumb Europeans playing in hands of US getting perished/exploited in someone else’s war.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      The assumption was that Russia was weak and this was going to be an easy in and out adventure they could get out of the way before focusing on dismantling China. Now it turns out that the whole thing has gone terribly wrong, and they’re starting to realize that the whole NATO framework is now at risk because NATO is looking increasingly impotent.

    • libscratcher@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      They assumed that the sanctions would work and as a result Russia would be forced to withdraw if presented with a credible threat of Article 5 invocation.

      The situation now is so bad that an Article 5 invocation would be the end of NATO as many countries in the alliance would refuse to intervene, or experience domestic political crises if they did.