I meant clearly easily attainable by others. If I start comparing myself to them, well, it’s like comparing a '97 Pinto vs a 2022 EV.
I meant clearly easily attainable by others. If I start comparing myself to them, well, it’s like comparing a '97 Pinto vs a 2022 EV.
Those underaged prozzies weren’t all that keen either.
I will, thanks! No matter how long it takes, I will never give up on him.
So this is what they spent development time on rather than gameplay and story. Figures.
Ugh, that site has phone cancer.
A “good” thing from a bad thing: my 6 year old computer monitor decided to croak today. As it’s currently black friday deals, I managed to order a new one fairly cheap-o.
Hhaha, I’m going to start referring to my depression as “that dopamine shortage” or even “the great dopamine shortage”.
That’s the approach we’re trying to take. He has a psych appointment today as well. I only hope he “gets” it before he does something really damaging.
Apart from that I constantly offer to hang out, play games with him or whatnot (he used to love playing Subnautica together) but nothing seems to interest him at all. As someone who also suffered a lot at that age, it pains me so much to seem him go through similar and getting thrown so many helplines and not taking a single one. I would’ve moved heaven & earth back then for even one of them.
People with depression often fall into this trap. You set a standard you can’t possibly reach and then get upset you aren’t reaching said impossible standard.
Nah, plenty of us set teeny, tiny, attainable goals and then still consistently fail to reach them for decades. It’s called being totally inept or an idiot. Unfortunately there’s no cure except switft application of lead suppositories.
I’m firmly in your boat, except I was never rich to begin with or had any kind of financial success. My son loathes me because I can’t afford the things he wants. As a family we try to focus on things that don’t have to cost a lot of money, but it falls on deaf ears for him.
I can only hope it’s puberty wreaking havoc, but so far he’s making it clear that we’ve failed him as parents because his material needs aren’t met to his standard.
“Yes human, you may gaze upon my eternal glory.”
Man, mandatory voting in my country was never popular, but am I glad we have it. We still elect right wing nutjobs, but compared to their American counterparts they’re positively benign.
I mean, what are they going to do about it?
My only regret is that I have… boneitis.
They probably do, but:
Feel this one in my bones.
We might simply get saddled with one of his failsons or his sex do-uhh, daughter.
It’s just extremely humbling to realize that in this lifetime, I will never have enough time or money to even rise to a middling position in the field. It doesn’t diminish my genuine love for the subject or my personal drive to collect and learn what I can, but at the same time some millionnaire could start in my field tomorrow and have surpassed me in every way including knowledge in just a few months, and that makes me… not envious but just sad. I’ll always be just the dog getting table scraps while the “real” players feast at unimaginable, unattainable hights in perpetuity.
Ukraine is facing an existential threat. If they have the in-house knowledge and capability to do this, they absolutely should.
If Russia gives up tomorrow, the war will be over. If Ukraine gives up tomorrow Ukraine will be over.