“Why can’t you give up untold amounts of money, free time, peace/quiet, lack of stress, and freedom so I can have my grandkids around for a few hours a week? Stop being so selfish.”
Also, why don’t you want to bring new human beings in a world that we have destroyed, that will struggle when I’ll be gone and you’ll be powerless to help? So selfish
Fake news promised FEMA camps staffed by Obama death panels if ACA ever passed…
These are also the people who either disappear anytime their kids need help with the kids, or else were such terrible parents they’re the last person on earth their kids would leave alone with their children.
Replace the “or else” with an “and” and you are describing my parents.
Now I want a “my grandchildren are still in my selfish sons huge balls”
You know what’s fucked?
Women can say that babies make their ovaries twitch and that’s totally fine.
But if a man says that babies make their dick hard, everyone loses their mind.
What’s that all about?
I mean, we don’t get off through stimulating our ovaries for one lmao
Maybe you don’t.
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double standards
That’s not how testicles work.
Not with that attitude
It’s not how ovaries work either. Where’s the comment about that?
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I will now ask women if they feel the “mittelschmerz” with no context. Thanks for letting me know.
Well, Hank Hill just logged off of the internet forever.
I don’t have any of those, so I’m not qualified to comment.
Also not how that works. Read a book and stop hiding behind your genitals when it comes to calling out sexist bullshit that doesn’t affect you directly.
No balls…no overies…which bathroom do you use at the mall??? Because I have MANY follow up questions, but aren’t sure which would apply.
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Porn title if every I saw one
Now I want a “my grandchildren are still in my selfish sons
huge balls” sock
I don’t know if I find it more abhorrent that someone would proudly display an opinion so needlessly angry, or that there exists a company that is profiting off these assholes by providing such a miserable sticker.
It’s a lot of words to say “I’m a selfish asshole.”
I’m okay with the print company. It lets us see from a distance what kind of asshole we’re dealing with.
Sticker companies will sell blue lives matter and ACAB merch.
And yet I’ve never seen “Boob Lives Matter”…Where is the Dolly Parton representation???
Sometimes in the same transaction.
There are places you can design your bumper sticker. And if you have a good enough printer you can print them yourself
Today? In this economy? With these printer ink prices???
Well your generation made housing unobtainable… Play a stupid game win a stupid prize
And healthcare is exorbitantly expensive.
You mean all this racist objection to common sense healthcare and using housing as an investment vehicle have consequences?
That can’t be it. It must be marginalized group’s fault. That’s the only explanation /s
Even just childcare is super expensive and hard to come by.
Wow, the cognitive dissonance of calling your daughter selfish…
I guess saying it’s in my selfish son’s ballsack wouldn’t have the same effect.
Yeah, because all of the pee that’s stored there, right?
But…that’s realistically where they ACTUALLY are. If the grandchild is already inside the daughters overies, that means she’s already pregnant. Which means, in order to be selfish, that would mean she’s just NOT allowing a 9+ month old child to be born. Like the contractions start, and the mother shoves her hand in, and shoves the kid back up there.
“Oh no you don’t! You STAY in there!!! I don’t care if it’s been 96 months! MOMMIES STILL PREGNANT!!!”
Okay, there are just multiple layers of bad women’s anatomy in the original post and in the comments.
Eggs are in the ovaries. Without hormonal birth control, generally one egg (but sometimes more and sometimes none) is released from the ovary, travels down the fallopian tube, and if it is fertilized, implants in the uterus. If it is not fertilized, it passes out of the uterus, the uterine lining is shed (that’s menstruation), and the process repeats the following month.
There is no “grandchild” in an ovary, any more than there is a “grandchild” in a testicle.
And if a fertilized egg implants anywhere outside the uterus, that’s an ectopic pregnancy – which is not viable because only the uterus has the capability to grow with and provide nourishment to a developing fetus. Not only that, but ectopic pregnancies are generally fatal to the mother (or however that person identifies).
There is some bad woman’s anatomy here too. The egg is broken down and reabsorbed before menstruation starts.
Menstruation happens when the lutheal body desintigrates. Ending the fake pregnancy effect it has. Since there is no embryo to continue the process, the lack of progesterone gets detected as a non-viable pregnancy resultong in a fake miscarriage.
Ah, but we all seem to have forgotten: pee is stored in the balls.
Taps head
I mean, the kids are neither in a ballsack nor the ovaries.
If you consider a fertilized egg a child, which you shouldn’t, they would be in the uterus.
If it’s inside an ovary, the mother’s going to die.
You guys need some anatomy lessons. Women are born with all the oocytes (eggs) they will ever have. They don’t make them on demand like dudes do sperm. So it is entirely accurate to say any children a woman will have are already in her ovaries, barring circumstances like surrogacy, adoption, etc.
I’m not saying that eggs are not inside the ovaries, I’m saying that eggs are not children.
I mean, sperm aren’t children either.
Which is what I said in my post that uid0grid0 responded to, saying that I needed anatomy lessons.
Sperm is not a child.
An egg is not a child.
A fertilized egg is also not a child, but some people think it is.Some people also don’t take this anywhere that serious and y’all’s conversation seems really silly. Nobody on Lemmy (within reason, I’m sure there are idiots here too) is going to seriously argue that either gamete is a child.
These types of conversations are the ones that make me question just how prevalent autism is on Lemmy. People engage in wordplay and don’t literally mean what they say all the time yet these types of comments are 90% on posts like this.
And neither are fetuses. Birth turns a fetus into a child. His grandchildren don’t exist yet.
Obviously this person was too selfish to have enough children to produce grandchildren.
My selfish daughter won’t go through childbirth, and raise a child to adulthood and beyond in a world that is getting harder to live in so I can be “gran-gran.” The bitch. /s
Are you sure it isn’t “Grandpa?” Because that’s how I read it.
Nah, grandpa probably low-key wants some grandkids but that kind of open pressure is nearly always mother -> daughter.
A wannabe pop-pop on the loose.
there are quite a few people who seem to want to be mothers more than they want to actually have kids.
Some of our programming is hard to resist. If it wasn’t, there would be a lot less of us around!
I mean no offence but I find your username horrifying.
Best compliment I’ve had all day!
When you get a carbonator you want to try carbonating everything.
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If all it takes to horrify your palate is carbonating some pasta sauce, then for your own mental health, never ever ever ever ever ask a black person what “chitlins” are.
I’ve spent most of my life in the South, I absolutely know what chitlins are. They ain’t great but they are what they’re intended to be: making the most out of whatever you can afford.
I’m also Italian-American. Carbonated pasta sauce was intended for no man. It would be an abomination against God and nature.
I would be ok with there being less of us around. I would be VERY ok with that.
But fewer humans would be a good thing. We’re not going anywhere, might as well live within reason.
Don’t disagree. I’ll be the final branch on my family tree.
Lots of people are. The big advent of the modern century has been keeping more people alive longer, not having more kids.
We just happened to be born into a generation that had a glut of human labor without savvy administration to guide its usefulness.
The next generation will be leaner. But the generation after? Who can say? 8B is a lot of people. I don’t think humanity is just winking out because we drop below replacement leave.
Lots of other people are still having kids. It’s not on any one person or even one nation to worry about.
My decision was more around recognizing as a teenager that due to my upbringing I did not have the tools to properly raise a well adjusted human being. And rather than make the same mistake my parents did, I just opted out.
I got to help raise a step son later in life and think I did a decent job. But I’ve never regretted my decision to not have my own biological children.
what is stopping us from choosing excess instead of listening to silly nature?
Why did you remove your upvote?
These boomers are lucky we are civilized enough to NOT take the matter into our own hands to save social security and permit proper economic distrbution of resource so normal couple can have kids.
Truly fucking clueless.
Regime bootlickers won’t acknowledge that many people are NOT having kids due to failed social policy their beloved owners and their regimes whores got going for us.
Wait how is that civilized? It seems like we have a coordination problem but should totally do it.
I will just never understand the desire people have to be in total control of others.
Yes it’s my children who are selfish! Never me, couldn’t be me at all
That is so gross
As a selfish daughter, I think this is hilarious tbh.
But I also have a mother who understands and fully supports my and my partner’s reproductive choices and I probably would not feel that way if circumstances were different.
please stop being selfish and suffer 360 days of the year so that I can play with my grandchildren the remaining 5 days
Then just make a new kid yourself, mister/missus, and show you daughter how it’s done.